Monkeypox Virus: What You Should Know

Monkeypox is a peculiar illness caused by the monkeypox virus and has captured the media’s attention over the last few years, but in reality, not much is known about the disease. Surprisingly, it is not caused by monkeys even though the organism was first found among them. People can contract the disease from pets and in some occasions, through other humans. So what exactly is monkeypox, how does it spread and how can it be brought to notice.

How did something such as monkeypox come about?

It belongs to Ortho poxvirus which is a viral disease that has cutaneous lesions. Investors blame industrialization and urbanization on the spread of the virus, but as it turns out, many posers such as small squirrels and rats are responsible for transferring the virus. Animals infected by monkeypox can be infected through scratches, bites, or undercooked meat when consumption of the animal is done by humans.

The first instance of monkeypox in man comes from the year 1970 in the country of Congo. The imaging honeycomb cells virus has been reported mostly in Central and Western Africa quite in the past.

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